
woman rolling up yoga mat

How to Cool Down After a Workout

Speed up your recovery process after an intense workout by having an effective cool-down session for your muscles!

woman wearing uppper wrist wraps

The Different Types of Wrist Wraps

Learn about the different types of wrist wraps so you can make sure you choose the best one for your training style and fitness goals!

Man stretching outdoors

The Best Things to Do on Your Active Recovery Day

If you don't feel like taking a full rest day, but still want to recover from your intense training, try one of these low-intensity workouts on your active recovery day!

Iulia doing ab exercise

How to Get Abs: Best Tips and Exercises for Women

Stop doing 100 crunches a day, and follow these tips and implement these exercises into your routine to get the abs you want!

woman doing lunges with uppper lifting straps

Common Strength Training Mistakes and How to Fix Them

You might be making one or two mistakes at the gym without noticing, but don’t worry! Here’s how to fix the most common strength training mistakes for a better fitness...

woman with small waist flexing

How to Get a Smaller Waist, Safely

Getting a smaller waist won't happen in a week or two, or even a month! But we can help get you on the right track to achieving it by giving...

man lifting weights

What Are Drop Sets?

From how they work to which exercises to try, here’s everything you need to know about drop sets for a more effective muscle-building journey!

man doing clean and jerk

A Guide On How to Master The Clean and Jerk

Learn how to safely and effectively perform a clean and jerk so you can develop a more powerful body for your goals!

women running outdoors

How to Set Micro Goals to Achieve Your Overall Fitness Goal

Learn about why setting micro goals is just as important as setting your big goal. Plus, how to set them up so your fitness journey is an easier and smoother...

woman doing dumbbell tricep exercises

Best Tricep Exercises With Dumbbells

Need some help getting those toned arms that you dream of? Here are some of our favorite triceps exercises with dumbbells that you can try.

free weights vs resistance bands

Resistance Bands vs Free Weights

Resistance bands or free weights? Or maybe both? Learn about the advantages of both to find which style of resistance training is better for you!

women doing upper body resistance band workout

Upper Body Resistance Band Home Workout

The perfect resistance training workout for when you're traveling, don't have time to go to the gym, or for an active rest day! All you need is a handy long...

woman doing EMOM workout

EMOM Workouts: What Are They and How To Do Them

Know how to maximize your workouts by learning everything there is to know about EMOM workouts and how effective they are!

woman doing hiit exercise

Create HIIT Workouts at Home With These 15 Exercises

Can't make it to the gym and need short, yet effective workouts? Learn how to create your own high-intensity interval training (HIIT) - your home workout bestie!

woman doing side plank

Best At-Home Core Exercises For All Fitness Levels

Your core supports your entire body, and it's not going to get stronger by doing a million sit-ups. Here are 10 of the best core exercises you can do at...